Hupac Group

Hupac Ltd

Year of establishment: 1967

Parent company

Asset Management

Michail Stahlhut, CEO

Benedetta Masciari Deputy CEO & CFO

Hupac Ltd is the parent company of the Hupac Group. Its main tasks are the management of the Group, the procurement and management of fixed assets, in particular rolling stock, the management of participations and the handling of rental contracts.

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Hupac Intermodal Ltd

Year of establishment: 2001

Network management
Terminal operations

Michail Stahlhut, CEO

Alessandro Valenti, Deputy CEO

Hupac Intermodal Ltd manages the operational business of the Hupac Group with a focus on continental transport. Various support functions such as terminal management, IT, engineering and administration are located at Hupac Intermodal Ltd. The company operates the terminals in Chiasso, Aarau and Basel and has representative offices in Italy and Spain.

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ERS Railways GmbH

Year of establishment: 1994

Network management

Mathias Leiner, Managing Director

ERS Railways connects the German and Dutch seaports with the main economic centres in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The intermodal portfolio includes terminal-to-terminal and terminal-to-door solutions.


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Hupac International Logistics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd

Year of establishment: 2016

Network management

Jianru (Elena) Guo, General Manager

Hupac International Logistics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd performs intermodal transport services in China and on the Eurasian market. The company manages customer relations in China and supports international transport chains.



Intermodal Express LLC

Year of establishment: 2011

Network management

Andrey Munkin, Managing Director

Intermodal Express LLC produces intermodal transport services in Russia and in the CIS countries with own wagon fleet management. The company manages customer relations in Russia and supports international transport chains.



Hupac Intermodal Italia Srl

Busto Arsizio
Year of establishment: 2015


Roberto Paciaroni, Chairman
Maurizio Bertaso, Sales Manager

Hupac Intermodal Italia Srl distributes the intermodal transport services of the Hupac Group in Italy.



Hupac Intermodal NV

Year of establishment: 1964

Service provider

Mark Jansen, Director Operations

Hupac Intermodal NV supports the sister company Hupac Intermodal Ltd on the Dutch market.



Terminal Singen TSG GmbH

Year of establishment: 1998

Terminal operations

Simone Croci Torti, Director

Daniel De Graaf, Director

Terminal Singen TSG GmbH operates the Terminal Singen.


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Hupac SpA

Busto Arsizio
Year of establishment: 1972

Terminal operations
Railway operations

Mario Casati, Managing Director

Hupac SpA operates the Terminal and the Terminal Pordenone. In addition, the company is licensed as railway undertaking.

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Fidia SpA

Year of establishment: 1989

Terminal operations

Mario Casati, Managing Director

Fidia SpA operates the Terminal Novara RAlpin.



Hupac Intermodal BV

Year of establishment: 2006

Terminal operations

Joris Mees, Director Operations

Hupac Intermodal BV operates the Hupac Terminal Antwerp.


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RTC Rail Terminal Chemelot BV

Year of acquisition: 2020

Terminal operations

Renzo Capanni, Board Member

RTC Rail Teminal Chemelot BV operates the Geleen terminal in the south of the Netherlands. Hupac Ltd holds a 60% share in the company.


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Combiconnect Srl

Year of establishment: 2021

Terminal operations

Mario Casati, Managing Director

Combiconnect Srl operates the Terminal Novara CIM. Hupac Ltd holds an 80% share, the remaining 20% is held by Centro Interportuale Merci SpA.


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Combiconnect Köln Nord GmbH

Year of establishment: 2022

Terminal operations

Michael Maiocchi, Managing Director

Simone Croci Torti, Managing Director

Combiconnect Köln Nord GmbH operates the Terminal Köln Nord.


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Terminal Piacenza Intermodale Srl

Year of establishment: 2007

Terminal operations

Mario Casati, Managing Director

The Terminal Piacenza Intermodal Srl manages the Terminal Piacenza. The company is owned by Piacenza Intermodale Srl.


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Hupac Terminal Brwinów Sp. z o.o

Year of establishment: 2015

Terminal operations

Diana Batko, Managing Director

Hupac Terminal Brwinów Sp. z o.o. manages the Terminal Brwinów near Warsaw.


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Termi Ltd

Year of establishment: 1986

Terminal construction
Facility management

Benedetta Masciari, Managing Director

Termi Ltd, with office in Chiasso, deals with the financing, construction and maintenance of combined transport terminals. In addition, the infrastructures are rented out to terminal operators.



Termi SpA

Busto Arsizio
Year of establishment: 1988

Terminal construction
Facility management

Piero Solcà, Chairman

Termi SpA, with office in Busto Arsizio, deals with the financing, building, construction and maintenance of combined transport terminals. In addition, the infrastructures are rented out to terminal operators.



Centro Intermodale SpA

Year of establishment: 2012

Terminal construction
Facility management

Piero Solcà, Chairman

Centro Intermodale SpA of Milan, holds a 100% stake in the company Terminal Piacenza Intermodal Srl, which manages the Terminal Piacenza.



Hupac Ibérica SL

Year of establishment: 2023

Terminal construction
Facility management

Antonello Vicini, Managing Director

Simone Croci Torti, Managing Director

Piacenza Intermodale Srl

Year of establishment: 2017

Facility management

Piero Solcà, Chairman

Piacenza Intermodale Srl owns warehouses and buildings in the tertiary sector and has a concessions for the area on which the Piacenza terminal operates.



Centro Interportuale Merci SpA

Year of establishment: 1987

Facility management

Piero Solcà, Delegate of the Board of Directors

Centro Interportuale Merci CIM owns warehouses and buildings in the tertiary sector and has a concession for the area on which the Novara terminal operates. For the management of the terminal, the company employs Combiconnect Srl, which is 80% owned by Hupac Ltd and 20% by CIM SpA itself.



Crosstec Srl

Year of establishment: 2011

Information Technology

Aldo Croci, Chairman

Crosstec Srl works in the fields of logistics and transport dealing with services for the application, organisation, IT development and planning of system information. The company is 85% owned by Centro Interportuale Merci SpA of Novara.



Hupac LLC

Year of establishment: 2014

Rolling stock management

Andrey Munkin, Managing Director

Hupac LLC, based in Moscow, buys and leases rolling stock for the Russian broad-gauge railway network.

