Digital services for pick-up and delivery of loading units

The U CHECK app supports customers and drivers at Terminal Busto Arsizio-Gallarate with a range of digital services, accessible from Apple and Android.


The services provided:

  • Access to information on the status of the loading unit such as departure, arrival, current position and ETP Estimated Time of Pick-up, based on user authorisations
  • Sharing of the driver's arrival time at the terminal
  • Digital shift management at counter for documentation and terminal access
  • Additional terminal information such as opening hours, scheduled and/or unscheduled closures, availability of services.
Scan the QR code to open the application


Hupac welcomes federal law to support rail freight

Considerable need for support in systemically relevant rail freight transport and combined transport

The negative effects of the corona crisis on the public transport system are massive. The Federal Council's proposed initiative "Urgent Federal Act on the Support of Public Transport in the Covid-19 crisis" takes into account all relevant areas of transport such as public passenger transport, rail freight transport, transalpine combined transport and infrastructure. The scope of the measures is appropriate and target-oriented.


The slump in volume of up to 40% during the Covid-19 crisis led to major losses for the railways involved in freight transport and the combined transport operators. The CHF 70 million budgeted will cover part of these losses and help to ensure that the players can maintain their services during the crisis and beyond. A considerable part of the Covid losses will nevertheless be borne by the relevant companies themselves.


Hupac welcomes this exceptional financial support in accordance with the Freight Transport Act (25.9.2015) and the adaptation of Art. 8 para. 2 of the GVVG to ensure a sustainable freight transport offer. These funds will make a significant contribution to ensuring that companies can continue to provide system-relevant services in the future and that Swiss modal shift policy will not suffer a significant setback due to Covid-19.
