Landbridge China



China domestic traffic






Ex CIS Countries





ChinaSouth Korea

Intermodale Netzwerke verbinden

Profitieren Sie vom umfassenden Netzwerk der Hupac in Europa, das perfekt an alle wichtigen Destinationen in China angebunden ist. Mit unseren direkten Zugverbindungen erreichen Sie Dutzende von Destinationen - umweltfreundlich mit dem Zug.

Wir bringen Sie weiter

Keine Grenzen für Ihre Sendungen über China hinaus: Wir bringen Sie in Nachbarländer wie Russland, Weissrussland, Japan, Korea, Kasachstan, Usbekistan, die Mongolei, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam und weitere Länder entlang der Seidenstrasse. Darüber hinaus bieten wir auch innerchinesische Verkehre an.

Eigene Terminals

Unser Netzwerk stützt sich auf leistungsfähige Terminals, die von Hupac betrieben oder mitbetrieben werden. Die wichtigsten sind Warschau, Antwerpen, Rotterdam, Duisburg, Ludwigshafen, Singen und Mailand.

Eigene Wagen

Hupac betreibt eine Flotte von 8.800 Normalspur- und 300 Breitspurwagen, die klare Vorteile hinsichtlich Unabhängigkeit, Flexibilität und Zuverlässigkeit bietet.


Unsere Teams in Chiasso/Schweiz und Shanghai/China organisieren für Sie sämtliche logistischen Dienstleistungen wie Trucking, Zollabfertigung, Leercontainerhandling und Depotdienste.


Für grosse Transportvolumen bieten wir Ihnen massgeschneiderte Ganzzüge an. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit „City Platforms“ und CRCT organisieren wir Ihre Züge zwischen Industriegebieten in China und allen Destinationen in Europa.


Auch wenn es sich nur um einen einzigen Container handelt: Wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre Verbindungen zwischen China und Europa aufzubauen. Insbesondere für Sendungen von/nach Italien, Frankreich, Spanien, Süddeutschland und Skandinavien können wir Ihnen wettbewerbsfähige Laufzeiten und Preise anbieten.




Lockdown in Italy: Our intermodal system works without limitations

As of today, Italy is subdivided in three zones with different grades of lockdown rules. However, industrial production as well as freight transport is permitted on the whole national territory. Staff just needs a self-declaration that indicates the reason for traveling or staying outdoor - all details here.


Similar restrictions are in place in many European countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain.

Intermodal transport has already proven resilience and ability to perform during the COVID-19 first wave.

Today,  we are happy to inform you that:

  • our trains run regularly
  • our terminals work regularly and observe strict hygienic anti-contagion measures
  • our office staff works safely at home or in a protected office environment.

For any further information please get in touch with our Sales & operations teams.

Lockdown in Italy: Our intermodal system works without limitations

As of today, Italy is subdivided in three zones with different grades of lockdown rules. However, industrial production as well as freight transport is permitted on the whole national territory. Staff just needs a self-declaration that indicates the reason for traveling or staying outdoor - all details here.


Similar restrictions are in place in many European countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain.

Intermodal transport has already proven resilience and ability to perform during the COVID-19 first wave.

Today,  we are happy to inform you that:

  • our trains run regularly
  • our terminals work regularly and observe strict hygienic anti-contagion measures
  • our office staff works safely at home or in a protected office environment.

For any further information please get in touch with our Sales & operations teams.

Lockdown in Italy: Our intermodal system works without limitations

As of today, Italy is subdivided in three zones with different grades of lockdown rules. However, industrial production as well as freight transport is permitted on the whole national territory. Staff just needs a self-declaration that indicates the reason for traveling or staying outdoor - all details here.


Similar restrictions are in place in many European countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain.

Intermodal transport has already proven resilience and ability to perform during the COVID-19 first wave.

Today,  we are happy to inform you that:

  • our trains run regularly
  • our terminals work regularly and observe strict hygienic anti-contagion measures
  • our office staff works safely at home or in a protected office environment.

For any further information please get in touch with our Sales & operations teams.

Single point of contact