Hupac Intermodal Forum "Go intermodal. Go digital" | | Annual Event - 17 May 2019, Como | Programme and speeches
Hans-Jörg Bertschi, President of Hupac Ltd
"Innovative tank containers" - Thorsten Bieker, Vice President Rail, BASF
"10 things you need to know about the future - and what they may mean for the future of transportation" - Gerd Leonhard, futurist, humanist, CEO The Futures Agency
Panel discussion
Michail Stahlhut, CEO Hupac Intermodal Guido Pietro Bertolone, CEO Arcese Trasporti Leo Brand, CIO Vopak Nicolas Perrin, CEO SBB Cargo Thorsten Bieker, Vice President Rail, BASF
Keith Dierkx, IBM Global Industry Leader for Freight, Logistic and Rail |